D. Mandelli, A. Alfonsi, C. Smith, C. Rabiti

Generation and Use of Reduced Order Models for Safety Applications Using RAVEN

Proceedings American Nuclear Society 2015 Winter Meeting, Washington, DC, US, 2015

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A. Zoino, A. Alfonsi, C. Rabiti, F. Giannetti, G. Caruso

Simulation Tools and Approaches for the Compliance with Performance-Based ECCS Cladding Acceptance Criteria 

Proceedings American Nuclear Society 2015 Winter Meeting, Washington, DC, US, 2015

ANS - Simulation tools and approaches fo
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C. Rabiti, J. Cogliati, G Pastore, R. J Gardner, A. Alfonsi

Fuel Reliability Analysis Using BISON and RAVEN

International Topical Meeting on Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Analysis (PSA 2013), Sun Valley, ID, USA, 2015

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D. Mandelli, S. Prescott, C. Smith, A. Alfonsi, C. Rabiti, J. Cogliati, R. Kinoshita

Modeling of a Flooding Induced Station Blackout for a Pressurized Water Reactor Using the RISMC Toolkit

International Topical Meeting on Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Analysis (PSA 2013), Sun Valley, ID, USA, 2015

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A. Alfonsi, C. Rabiti, D. Mandelli, J. Cogliati, R. Kinoshita

Hybrid Dynamic Event Tree Sampling Strategy in RAVEN

International Topical Meeting on Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Analysis (PSA 2013), Sun Valley, ID, USA, 2015

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I. Rinaldi, A. Alfonsi, C. Rabiti, J. Cogliati, F. Giannetti, G. Caruso

A Comprehensive Validation Approach Using The RAVEN Code

Proceedings American Nuclear Society 2015 Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX, US, 2015

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D. Mandelli, S. Prescott, C. Smith, A. Alfonsi, C. Rabiti, J. Cogliati, R. Kinoshita

A Flooding Induced Station Blackout Analysis for a Pressurized Water Reactor Using the RISMC Toolkit

Science and Technology of Nuclear Installations, vol. 2015, ID 308163

A Flooding Induced Station Blackout Anal
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A. Alfonsi, C. Rabiti, J. Cogliati, D. Mandelli, S. Sen, R. Kinoshita, C. Wang, P. Talbot, D. Maljovec, A. Slaughter, C. Smith

Dynamic Event Tree Advancements and Control Logic Improvements

Idaho National Laboratory, Idaho Falls, Idaho, INL/EXT-15-36758

INL-EXT-15-36758 Dynamic Event Tree Adv.
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S. Sen, D. Maljovec, A. Alfonsi, C. Rabiti

Developing and Implementing the Data Mining Algorithms in RAVEN

Idaho National Laboratory, Idaho Falls, Idaho, INL/EXT-15-36632

INL-EXT-15-36632 Developing and Implemen
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D. Mandelli, C. Smith, A. Alfonsi, C. Rabiti, J. Cogliati, H. Zhao, I. Rinaldi, D. Maljovec, P.Talbot, B. Wang, V. Pascucci

Reduced Order Model Implementation in the Risk-Informed Safety Margin Characterization Toolkit

Idaho National Laboratory, Idaho Falls, Idaho, INL/EXT-15-36649

INL-EXT-15-36649 Reduced Order Model Imp
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R. Szilard, R. Youngblood, C. Frepoli, J. Yurko, G. Swindlehurst, H. Zhang, H. Zhao, P. Bayless, C. Rabiti, A. Alfonsi, C. Smith

Industry Application Emergency Core Cooling System Cladding Acceptance Criteria Problem Statement

Idaho National Laboratory, Idaho Falls, Idaho, INL/EXT-15-35073

INL-EXT-15-35073 Industry Application Em
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R. Szilard, C. Frepoli, J. Yurko, R. Youngblood, A. Zoino, A. Alfonsi, C. Rabiti, H. Zhang, P. Bayless, H. Zhao, G. Swindlehurst, C. Smith

Industry Application Emergency Core Cooling System Cladding Acceptance Criteria Early Demonstration

Idaho National Laboratory, Idaho Falls, Idaho, INL/EXT-15-36541

INL-EXT-15-36541 Industry Application EC
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A. Alfonsi, C. Rabiti, D. Mandelli, J. Cogliati, S. Sen, C. Smith

Improving Limit Surface Search Algorithms in RAVEN Using Acceleration Schemes

Idaho National Laboratory, Idaho Falls, Idaho, INL/EXT-15-36100

INL-EXT-15-36100 Improving Limit Surface
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D. Mandelli, C. Smith, A. Alfonsi, C. Rabiti, J. Cogliati

Improved Sampling Algorithms in the Risk-Informed Safety Margin Characterization Toolkit

Idaho National Laboratory, Idaho Falls, Idaho, INL/EXT-15-35933

INL-EXT-15-35933 RISMC Improved Sampling
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C. Rabiti, A. Alfonsi, D. Huang, F. Gleicher, B. Wang, H. S. Abdel-Khalik, V. Pascucci, C. L. Smith

System Reliability Analysis Capability and Surrogate Model Application in RAVEN

Idaho National Laboratory, Idaho Falls, Idaho, INL/EXT-16-37243

INL-EXT-16-37243 - System Reliability An
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